Monday, September 3, 2007

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot Bill - first response to London Daily Telegraph's launching of Boris Johnson as possible mayor candidate-1

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill - first response by MUHAMMAD HAQUE to the Daily Telegraph’s launch of Boris Johnson as a candidate for mayor of London, Monday 3 September 2007

“Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area campaign against Crossrail hole Bill” OPPOSES Ken Lyingstill Livingstone precisely because Livingstone has been abusing public resources in promoting the con that is the present Crossrail as it is in the ‘Crossrail Bill’.

We would support any candidate who has the integrity to tell the truth and to do so by genuinely recognising the people of London. What Livingstone has done is to corrupt London and to do so with the assistance of the likes of the Guardian who mounted that very sinister propaganda onslaught on Boris Johnson. We still don’t know how Boris Johnson will deal with the serious crisis that exists in providing transport in London.

Does Boris Johnson have the patience to actually read the many alternatives to Crossrail that people with long experience and commitment have pointed out? Does he have the democratic interests to question the deadpan and the totally unaccountable, unrigorous, unscrutinising ‘Crossrail Bill’ ‘Select committee’ of MPs [’chaired’ by Alan Meale] which has been doing a pathetic job of ’scrutinising’ the Bill.

That committee has been preventing people with serious and relevant objections to the contents and the implications of the Crossrail Bill from bringing in evidence to support the objections. Does Boris have the sense of fair play and tolerance in him to show the way out of the racist morass that clouds any frustrated seeker of public office? Boris may hold views that are far to the right of Ken Livingstone, circa 1981. Ken Livingstone circa 2006 has been far worse for democracy and accountable occupation of public office than anything London deserves. We welcome what appears to be the beginning of an almost pro-democratic debate about the future of the politicos seeking our votes. Let the people of London have a full-scale expression of our thoughts, our wisdom and our rights and responsibilities…”